Open Hands...

Open Hands...

I have recently found myself pondering the idea of open hands. Open hands to me are a sign of surrendering control. They represent the letting go which is necessary for deepening a relationship. They are a child, lifting her hands up to her Daddy to pick her up. They represent an innocent, carefree freedom and trust. In order to hold hands with someone, you must first open your own hands. Such a sweet, intimate gesture requires vulnerability. Open hands are the result of stepping down off of our thrones to allow the true King of our hearts to take the lead.

I am reminded of the song "Open Hands" by Laura Story:

The sweetest sound, the highest praise, Is the letting go of this life You gave. Our greatest prayer, an act of faith, Is an open hand; Lord have Your way.

Take it all - every hope, every dream, every plan. Take it all - every weight, all the shame and brokenness. Jesus, I surrender all - every victory and loss Take it all, take it all 'till all I have is open hands.

A clenching fist, a life of fear, A burden held, has no place here Cause You call me now to cast it all On the shoulders of the one who's strong.

I'm not afraid of what I lose; my greatest joy is finding You...

All I have is open hands. I surrender. All I have is open hands.

If I hold on too tightly to my desire to have control, I could be missing out on how God wants to truly bless me and give me the opportunity to grow. My human mind can’t begin to fathom all that God sees in certain situations, and I wouldn’t rather have it any other way; I don’t want to be able to fit my God in a box. I have found the greatest blessings in my life, as well as the biggest opportunities, have come After surrendering my desires and control to He who is Greater: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” ~Jeremiah 29:11

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