Places of Peace

Places of Peace

Taking the time to reflect on places and things I love today...

 Creation's calling Your name:

No matter where I turn, I find myself surrounded by beauty. 

Something so simple as the rising of the sun allures my heart to be in awe. 

The complexity of waves crashing against a rock while at the same time being conducted by the ebb and flow of the tides produces a symphony of which my senses will never tire. 

As fresh air fills my lungs, I can’t help but feel the presence of Your Spirit. 

My bare toes sink into fine sand, and I consider the dynamic relationship between land and sea, how cliff sides are carved out, and massive rocks become the tiniest pebbles.

From the magnitude of a mountain peak, to the microscopic details of what holds us together, all of it is the reflection of a divine Designer.

I am reminded of Altar and Sanctuary, both by SEU Worship:

You beckon me, You beckon to leave all that I’ve known. You beckon me, You beckon me to call you as my own. This is life, this is life to bid me come and die-Spirit of the living God, You’re all that satisfies, all that satisfies. So here I give my everything, surrendered at the altar of my King for I am His, and He is mine. Oh, I know that he will never leave my side-He will never leave my side!

When life is heavy and my strength is faint there's beauty for ashes, there's joy in my pain. Here in the quiet I will wait for Your hope to appear, I will wait for Your hope to appear.

Near in my trials, near in my fears forever faithful God, You're in my tears. Your love is loyal, I will wait for Your hope to appear-I will wait for Your hope to appear.

We are wrapped in resurrection, You have clothed us in Your glory! Now our hearts are no longer wandering, You've become our sanctuary!

All who are wounded You tenderly heal, for hearts that are hurting, Your grace is revealed. Burdens are lifted as the presence of Jesus appears-The hope that we've prayed for is here.

What once was full of sorrow Your love turned into good. What once left me in pieces Your strength restored in full. My trust is in Your Word, Lord You have the final say-My hope is in Your promise That there's an empty grave!

Being surrounded by nature draws me to feel beckoned by my Father, and it is an affirmation that I am never alone, and He is ever-present in the details.

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