Inktober 2018 Day 2 - Tranquil

Inktober 2018 Day 2 - Tranquil

Tranquil…The dictionary defines it as “free from agitation of mind or spirit .” My mind immediately drifts off to a sandy beach, accompanied by the back and forth woosh of the waves…

This song has a special place in my heart, as I grew up listening to MercyMe almost every day with my mom. Here With Me illustrates such a vivid picture for me, as I think of every moment I’ve simply sighed, feeling the presence of God in nature. I have always been very good at filling my schedule as jam-packed as possible, no matter what stage of life I’m in. When I change jobs to have more time, I immediately fill it with something else. I thrive off of busyness. However. I also need to have moments of rest. I need to remind myself to stop and smell the flowers (sometimes literally). For me, I find that rest in nature. Or weather. Or looking at the stars on a clear night. Wherever I am, I can find beauty in creation.

And it makes sense! Psalm 19:1 says “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Even Paul explains in Romans 1:20, “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.”

Nature not only reflects who God is, but it literally proclaims the works of his hands. Similar to what I shared in Masterpiece, nature has God’s signature on it, too.

I find peace and tranquility when I also realize who my God is. Job 37:14-18 says,

Pay attention to this, Job.
    Stop and consider the wonderful miracles of God!
 Do you know how God controls the storm
    and causes the lightning to flash from his clouds?
Do you understand how he moves the clouds
    with wonderful perfection and skill?
When you are sweltering in your clothes
    and the south wind dies down and everything is still,
he makes the skies reflect the heat like a bronze mirror.
    Can you do that?

The God who controls everything in creation is the God I worship. Not only that, but I can also have confidence in knowing that “He who is in [me] is greater than he who is in the world.” ~1 John 4:4. The same exact power that raised Jesus from the grave is the power that lives in me! In realizing this, that my God is for me, I have peace, because I know there is nothing greater, and nothing can take that away from me. It also takes a huge burden off of my back, because I don’t have to worry about control. I am not God, and he doesn’t need my help to do his job. So all that is left for me to do, is simply sigh.

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