After All...

After All...


Sometimes I find myself asking God a lot of "why" questions like "Why did this happen?"  "Why am I in this situation?" or "Why aren't you answering me?"

What I love about the Lord and how he works is I don't have to know why.  Rather than asking "why" to God, I'm learning to change my perspective, and ask "who" instead.  Who created the universe and everything in it?  Who knows me by my name, and knows the number of hairs on my head?  Who sustains me, protects me, and gives me everything I Need, not necessarily what I want?  Who breathes out the stars, and calms the raging seas simply by his voice?  Who has authority over heaven and earth?  Who has victory?  Who loves me with an unconditional love incomparable to any other love imaginable?  Who is my God? Who will carry me through every situation?

I'm reminded of the song I used to sing in Sunday School, "My God is so BIG! So strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God can not do!  The mountains are his, the rivers are his, the stars are his handiwork too-my God is so BIG! So strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God can not do!" He alone is holy-exalted, worthy of complete devotion, perfect.  I am constantly drawn to nature, and the vastness of creation.  I think of mountains, stars, and the tiniest of organisms, and how God designed them all perfectly.  I am humbled by the fact that in today's society we try to narrow our vision of God, to be able to fit him in our back pockets or only think to go to him when we are in need like a vending machine; but He is holy. He can not be contained.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, always present, all-knowing, and all-powerful.  He is in control, so I don't have to be.  I am blessed to be weak, for in my weakness He is strong.  I get to surrender everything to Him with the confidence that he is holding me in his hands.

Going back to that Sunday School song, it's so simple.  It seems so juvenile. Yet that is a perfect example of child-like faith. Trusting, certain, and never second guessing. I strive to go back to that mindset. To hear Jesus say, "Come to me." (Matthew 11:28; 19:14 <3 )

King of my Heart

King of my Heart

