


I think this song and these images really speak for themselves :)

One of the first things that comes to my mind when I look at this piece is my first trip to Africa. I remember going to a church service, and there wasn't a single foot that stayed on the ground, or a single hand that wasn't clapping or being raised. I remember seeing genuine joy in the Lord, and people being fully engaged in worship. I remember feeling free, and enthusiastic, and so excited to be alive and spending time with the Lord.

Something else that comes to my mind is how beautiful it is that we are all created for worship in different ways. The very act of living our lives for the Lord is an act of worship! Some people sing, some dance, some create, some run, some teach, some program computers, some go out in nature, some perform surgeries, some make coffee, and the list goes on and on. Every day is a new chance to experience the Lord's presence, to invite him to join you in your day, to abide.

I think of Matthew 15:1-17, and 1 John. The more time we spend with the Lord, the more fruit of the Spirit we will produce. He is the vine-our source of life. The one who sustains us. The one who brings us nutrition so we may blossom. That makes me so excited! Every time I worship, I can't help but smile, reflecting on all of the things the Lord has done for me. I could write pages and pages all about the blessings I've received. Because I know that the Lord is good, and he always has been and always will be good. In every situation, he is there. I'm learning a lot about having perspective. I think of Psalm 139 and Romans 8-nothing, nothing, nothing can separate us from the love and presence of our God! He takes the time to know absolutely everything about us, and has formed every detail about us.

Knowing that, I can't help but run, dance, leap, twirl, and live for my Savior. :)

After All...

After All...

