


I absolutely love this song :)

One of my favorite descriptions of the Lord is that he is a good Father.  Whenever I raise my hands in worship, I picture a little girl reaching up to her Abba, or Daddy. I like to imagine a little princess all dressed up in a poofy dress and high heels that are a little too big, tiara on her head, and sparkles everywhere. I can see her twirling around, giggling as her dress opens up like a blooming flower. She can't wait to show her Daddy the newest dance she learned.

I picture being held in my Father's arms.  I feel safe and secure, loved beyond all measure.  There is a special level of intimacy, where I feel I can tell him anything.  In my Father's arms nothing else seems to matter, because he is in complete control. There is an unexplainable peace and trust that occur, and I know everything will be alright.



