Inktober 2018 Day 1 - Poisonous

Inktober 2018 Day 1 - Poisonous

Last year, I embarked in a less than successful challenge to create one ink drawing per day based off of a one word prompt. As I am working on becoming more disciplined, I’ve decided to complete the list even though it is well past the month of October.

The first prompt is the word “poisonous,” which took a slightly different course than expected. As I was pondering different interpretations of that word, and how I could create an art piece, “The Garden” by Kari Jobe came to my mind…Here are some of the lyrics to her song:

I had all but given up, desperate for a sign from love. Something good, something kind, bringing peace to every corner of my mind.

Then I saw the garden; hope had come to me to sweep away the ashes and wake me from my sleep.

I realized you never left, and for this moment you planned ahead; that I would see your faithfulness in all of the green.

I can see the ivy growing through the wall, ‘cause you will stop at nothing to heal my broken soul.

Faith is rising up like ivy, reaching for the light. Hope is stirring deep inside me, making all things right.

Love is lifting me from sorrow, catching every tear, dispelling every lie and torment, crushing all my fears.

Now I see redemption growing in the trees, the death and resurrection in every single seed.

Ivy is one of the first signs of Spring, as it slowly pokes through the snow with incredible resilience - Similar to the way God works through our wintery, dry seasons. Even when we feel so tired, weary, and worn, God is still at work! He is fighting battles we aren’t even aware of on our behalf.

TBD #2 - How to Get Off His Checklist

TBD #2 - How to Get Off His Checklist

TBD #1 - The Beginning

TBD #1 - The Beginning