Eyes to See

Eyes to See


"When you do it to the least of these, Jesus sees." I remember singing this song as a child, learning about the heart of our Lord...

With the closing of one year and the opening of a new one, I can't help but reflect on the past, looking towards what the future holds. I could try to summarize 2017 in one post, but you would be reading for a long time. I can say that I am beyond grateful for the countless blessings I've received, and for the opportunities I've had to grow. I've been blessed with the roles of youth leader, manager, friend, sister, daughter, and aunt. I've been blessed with 365 days' worth of memories shared with loved ones. I've been blessed with life, love, hope, joy, and peace.

This year, one thing I ask of the Lord is that he open my eyes more, to allow me to see and to hear what his still small voice is whispering to me. Whether it is praying for a friend that comes to mind, giving more to those in need, or simply learning from children what it means to have authentic faith.

My heart's desire is to know Jesus more intimately, to never lose that child-like wonder, and to learn to stop more to listen. The more I practice being in the presence of my Abba, the more I'll be able to hear him speak to my heart. One way I am going to do that is to start acting on those heartstring tugs, whether it is starting a conversation with someone, reaching out to an old friend, or paying attention to the songs that pop into my head like this one I made today-which brings me back to the beginning:

This evening I went to a gas station to fill up after this season of traveling, and I had cash that I'd been given for Christmas to use for gas. Usually, I step out of my car just long enough to swipe my card, and maybe wash my windows while I wait for the pump. Since I had cash this time, I had to go inside. While I was walking up to the store, I felt a huge tug to look to my left, and I saw a homeless person shivering in the cold. My heart broke for him, and I was instantly humbled with the reminder of how much I truly have. I went inside the warm building, and there was no getting that picture out of my mind. I ended up purchasing a couple pairs of hand warmers to bring outside to him. The look he gave me as he said "God bless you" will forever be in my memory. Because I listened to the tug and I truly saw that man instead of blissfully ignoring him, I walked away with a new perspective.

Jesus opened my eyes just a smidge more to what he sees all the time. He sees the broken and hurting. He sees people who are in need. He sees the "least of these" and he wants us to be a vessel to serve and love as we are loved. A challenge I have for myself this year is to see, and be moved, and be God's hands and feet.

Here's to a new year, and a new opportunity to live my life with reckless abandon to the One who truly sees. ❤️

Feels Like Home

Feels Like Home