


This was my first attempt at depicting the bluffs using watercolor, as well as one of the first times I simply painted what I saw as I spent time with the Lord.  I remember it was a spontaneous adventure up the bluffs, where I decided last minute to pack my watercolors in my bag before I left.  I had no idea if I'd be able to paint while I was at the top, or if I would even do much as I caught my breath, but I remember being gently moved to take a new step.

My whole hike, I simply took in the creation around me as I listened to worship music.  No matter how many times I see the same bluffs, or the same river, or the same sunrises and sunsets, I still get blown away every single time.  I think of the verses Psalm 33:6, and Romans 1:20:

"The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created.  He breathed the word, and all the stars were born...For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."

There are so many others I could go to, but these two verses stick out to me right now.  I think about the video Louis Giglio made, titled How Great Is Our God, and how he talks about God breathing out the stars.  All creation declares God's glory!  The more I learn about creation, the more I am drawn to the Creator, because he truly is great and powerful and far more incredible than we could ever imagine-and I love that!  Why would I want to fit my God in a box?  The reason I worship him and find myself in awe, is because there is no way I could ever fully understand his power and his love.  I am humbled in his presence, because I am so incredibly tiny and insignificant YET he chose me.  He loves me.  I have been adopted into his family, and he calls me his child.  I look at creation, and my instant response is to praise the Lord.  I often have to remind myself that if I keep looking over at the gorgeous sunset over the countryside, my car won't stay on the road.  I can't get enough of it!

Back to my bluff hike, when I finally reached the top all I could do was stand, and look around.  The colors of Autumn were just beginning to sneak into the branches in front of me, forming little pockets of golden light.  The song "Lord Most High" started playing in my ears as soon as I sat down to paint, and I knew exactly what I wanted to make.  As I painted, I wasn't really paying attention to what was showing up on the page, rather, I was focusing on soaking in the Lord's presence.

Perfect Foundation

Perfect Foundation

King of my Heart

King of my Heart