Year End(ish) Reflections

Year End(ish) Reflections

Just about a year ago for my birthday, my mom gave me this gift. It was a sketchbook that she found, and after reading what the artist wrote on the back, she decided to purchase it for me:

Anna Hess-"Painting and drawing are as natural and necessary to me as talking. My favorite vehicle for expression is a visual one using paint and lots of color. Oil paint is a slower, more thoughtful way of building an image. I love the rich, layered result. Acrylic paint is fast and explosive, and sometimes the paint itself makes a wonderful 'accident.' The colors are vivid and make bold and playful lines. Sketching in colored pencil captures ideas and images better than a camera for me because I can incorporate moods and thoughts into a drawing and leave out or simplify parts of the image that aren't necessary.

"Painting, making music or song, sculpture, writing, and acting are activities that let our creativity out into the world. Every day I try to slow down and enjoy the creativity of others. I invite you to look at the art around you and let it make an impression."

Little did both of us know that this gift would take us on a journey that would take the course of a year. I have used this sketchbook as an art journal of sorts, only adding to it when I feel led to, or if something runs through my head throughout the day, or if something pops into my head. I have found that all of these moments in a day happen for a beautiful reason. A year later, and I have officially completed the final page.

Art and worship have both played a significant role in my life ever since I can remember. I grew up listening to Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W Smith, Point of Grace, and Amy Grant to name a few. I also listened to hymns, and although at the moment I didn't appreciate those songs as much, I still remember the tunes and lyrics, and those songs are the ones I love to reflect on.

This year I have gone through many seasons of change, and through it all the Lord has been strengthening my heart, drawing me ever closer to his. I have grown in peace, patience, love, and joy-many days without being aware of the small changes. And that's the beauty of the Slight Edge (amazing book by Jeff Olson that everyone should read! :) ).

There is so much more I could say about this year, but that would make for a much longer post. I've decided to start from the back, and work my way forward, making a new post about each page in this journal, and my reflections on what adventures this journey has led me on.

The final page in my journal has Psalm 46:10 written on it-Be still and know that I am God. <3 As we live in a microwave society where everyone is always moving so fast, it is nice to have the opportunity to stop and slow down and simply rest in the presence of God.

I also love the verse Exodus 14:14-The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. <3 That is such a great picture of what God does for us-he has a plan for our lives! I finally have peace in knowing that I don't have to have control in my life, because my life is in the hands of the Creator of the universe. And he knows what he's doing :)

I'll close this post with a poem I wrote recently that I think is a good reflection of what God has done for me this year:

I stand in awe of my Savior, my God.

There is power in your name,

so I will shout it and praise you!

You created me for relationship with you;

every tiny piece of my personality,

my strengths,

my weaknesses,

my passions and desires,

were designed by you.

I can't begin to describe who you are to me,

for the peace of God transcends all understanding,

and your love for me is unfathomable.

You have shaped me and molded me

into the woman I am today.

Strong with you.

Loving because of you.

Fully forgiven by you.

And freed to grow closer to you.

So I will get lost in worship,

hold nothing back,

dance like no one's watching

with all my heart,

and sing to my King

as long as I have breath in my lungs. <3

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