An Open Letter to My Husband - Year 1

An Open Letter to My Husband - Year 1

My Love, My Husband, My Dear Justin,

How sweet it is to have the opportunity to reflect on, and remember how our relationship began. All of the things that originally drew me to you, that I loved about you are more true today than they ever were. I remember being drawn to your confidence and certainty in pursuing me. There’s never been a doubt in my mind of your love and care for me. I was attracted to your love and convictions in Christ—especially the first time you hesitantly shared with me your need to always love and pursue God first, even over me. It was in that moment I knew there was no one else I desired to be with and be led by more than you. I loved how you would look at me, and how it always seemed like a study—to learn my mannerisms, my facial expressions, and memorize every feature of my face. I love how you still look at me like that, as if there’s nothing else in the world you would rather get to see. I feel so special in those simple moments, knowing I was the girl you picked, and you will do whatever you can to pursue and treasure me. I get lost looking back into your eyes, wondering how I could possibly be so blessed that you saw me. I was attracted to your mind, and how you processed and perceived the world. I could never get tired of listening to you share stories, or what your thoughts are toward a certain subject. Your ability to learn, and capacity to retain knowledge is incredible to me. I love how you make me laugh :) Every single conversation we have includes laughter, and I can’t get enough of your quick wit and goofy, dumb jokes. You are kind, gentle, respectful, and a natural leader. I truly look up to you, and the warrior man of God you are.

As iron sharpens iron, I love how you never let me stay where I’m at. You’ve helped me to refine my character in the most loving and patient ways. You help ground me when I am flying too high, and sometimes you simply let me remain in my child-like joy as you hold on tight to the string. I appreciate so much how you go along with my spontaneity even if it makes you uncomfortable. I also appreciate the way you gently reel me back in to be a more well-rounded individual. You make me excited to wake up and start our days in prayer. As we build discipline that may trickle into other areas of our lives, I am motivated to make you proud of me, and to also provide a soft, safe landing should you have the need for love and respect. You’ve helped me to all the more know and realize the power of words as I can build you up or tear you down with a single sentence. You inspire me become a better version of myself each and every day. We’re a team. And I love that.

I so appreciate how much you love and lead me well. Your willingness to do the silly little things speaks volumes to me of your love and support. I appreciate when you get up to get me something even right after you’ve sat down. I appreciate how you always receive my hugs, and know exactly when I need one. I love when you kiss me on the forehead or hold my hand, and when you tell me I’m beautiful even right after waking up or having a sobbing fit. I love and appreciate when you make it clear that I am your priority even when you’re drained or in need of “me time.” I appreciate how much you try to understand and receive me so you can make the best decisions for us. I love how you support and encourage me in pursuing my dreams, and how involved you want to be as well. Thank you for how you protect me well, whether you are my voice of reason, or you stay up late to comfort me in times I feel overwhelmed or sick, or you let me know as much as possible that you are for me, and proud of me, and love me more each day. I can confidently say you have been one of the biggest blessings in my life.

Today I commit to you to not let these words, or the words we spoke during The Art Of Marriage to be meaningless and fruitless. I commit to grow each day in respect and support for you. I will change my attitudes and actions as I learn to receive you with love and grace no matter what—and I will stop relying on you to fill my God-sized gaps. Each day I will strive to be your biggest cheerleader, so there isn’t a doubt in your mind I believe in you 100%. I will find ways to lovingly build you up but also call you out when necessary. I will continue praying for you every day, and actively fight for you specifically and strategically. I will respect your decisions for this household, trusting you are prayerfully approaching each decision. I will let you know as much as possible how much I admire you and am grateful for you. I will be your helper. I will build a godly legacy by your side. And I will lay all of this at the feet of Jesus, that he might bless our marriage and make it prosper.

I love you so very much Justin James Cavanaugh…

I take you with all your faults and all of your strengths as I offer myself to you with my own faults and strengths. I promise to respect you in your successes and in your failures, and to always hold you in the highest regard. I will help you when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you and comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to cherish you when our love seems simple, and when it is an effort. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do us part.

Forever your Love,

Miriam Kae Cavanaugh

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TBD #1 - The Beginning

TBD #1 - The Beginning

