Portable Palette 

Portable Palette 

Working on some acrylics... :)  I've been recently reflecting on Psalm 90:17:

And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and  establish the work of our hands-yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it.

I believe that each of us was designed differently and specifically in how we worship the Lord.  That doesn't just mean music-how we live our lives can be an act of worship (Romans 12:1-2).  When we do what God created us to do, we find genuine joy and peace.  For example, I believe God created me to be expressive. That shows up in many ways-in my musical worship, you will see me dancing before my Daddy; in my relational worship, you will see me embracing each moment as it comes, more often than not through smiles and laughter; in my artistic worship, I love creating with the Lord guiding my hands.  

My favorite pieces I've done have all been created the fastest, and I pay the least amount of attention as I create. This is also my favorite form of worship that I believe was designed for my hands.  My reflection from Psalm 90:17 right now is the fact that the more I create, the more confirmation I receive that this is what I was designed for. No matter what I do in life, I know this will always be a part of it, and it's my own special way that I get to spend worshipping the great Artist himself. ❤️



Perfect Foundation

Perfect Foundation