Lifting My Hands

Lifting My Hands

I went to a coffee shop today for a quiet time. There is something about coffee shops being peaceful no matter how busy that I Iove :) I reflected on the lyrics for "Shoulders" by For King and Country. This is the chorus (in case you can't read my handwriting):

My help comes from you-you're right here, pulling me through. You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on your shoulders, your shoulders. My help comes from you, you are my rest, my rescue, I don't have to see to believe that you're lifting me up on your shoulders, your shoulders. <3

Whenever I worship, I raise my hands not because I feel obligated to, or because everyone else may be raising their hands. For me, when I raise my hands, all I can picture is a little child lifting her hands up to her daddy. He lifts me up, and embraces me, and I feel such joy and peace in the arms of my Heavenly Father. So when I first heard this song, it reminded me of worship:

"when confusion's my companion and despair holds me for ransom, I will feel no fear, I know that you are near. When I'm caught deep in the valley with chaos for my company, I'll find my comfort here. Cause I know that you are near...You mend what once was shattered, and you turn my tears to laughter. Your forgiveness is my fortress, oh, your mercy is relentless..."

What better picture of worship than being held up on the Father's shoulders? :)

Prayer Through Worship

Prayer Through Worship

Strong Weaknesses

Strong Weaknesses