

I made this painting for my mom's birthday this year :) It doesn't require a lot of explanation, and I think it was very fitting as a gift for her. One of her favorite verses is Psalm 121:1-2, "I lift my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." She loves the picture that produces, along with the idea of soaring like an eagle, completely free and at peace. I also included the lyrics to Hillsong's Still:

Hide me now under your wings, cover me within your mighty hand. When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you above the storm! Father, you are King over the flood. I will be still and know you are God. Find rest my soul in Christ alone. Know his power in quietness and trust-when the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you above the storm. Father, you are king over the flood-I will be still, and know you are God. <3

Lovely Lyrics

Lovely Lyrics

Completion: Walk a Mile

Completion: Walk a Mile