Week of Productivity and Sanity Sessions
Week of Productivity and Sanity Sessions
Tonight starts the beginning of the final stretch for finals! I have 10 days before finals, and 10 days to do 3 prints, 4 drawings, 8ish photographs, a 10 page art history research paper, 3 lesson plans, and 2 field experience papers. To keep my sanity, I will take the time to have at least one quiet time each day, and for fun will post my progress on here :) Tonight will be my woodcut night, along with field experience paper number one. At the end of tonight/however long this stretch lasts before work tomorrow I will post how far I got! Everything red must be carved away. Here we go!
For my warm-up for the night, I finished this incredible book :) I don't even know where to start for reflection, but I'll try my best to share my initial thoughts! It's an amazing book that is 100% applicable to my life. In every piece of the parable the author wrote, I either connected to or could think of someone who resembled each character. Such a simple concept of giving your Whole life to Christ, yet it's always made harder than it needs to be. Sometimes it takes several different sources and reminders for things to finally click again-this was a new perspective that was definitely eye opening to what it truly looks like to pursue the dreams God has given you, and to even be willing to give your dreams to Him to make them so much greater and more fulfilling. This book was given to me with perfect timing in where I'm at so far as not knowing how to pursue my dreams, or if it's what God wants me to do, or even how to trust God with my whole life. There are so many great quotes, but one that stood out to me was "Remember who He is and what He has proven true about Himself in your life. Then obey. Choose to put the Giver before His gift in your life." It brings me so much peace and joy to look back and see how immensely I have been blessed in my life! The book has been purchased, and will be read many more times :) If you want more information on the book, look it up, and read it for yourself! I would definitely recommend it to anyone with a dream, or even if you want a dream :)